Daily Writing

Art is the passion in my life, I was stuck for so long. Having held the past experiences to close to my heart, making their existence more important than they should be, now what I strive for everyday is to move on to be in that moment to find the higher vibrations of love, understanding, compassion, and strength.

Burying the past and learning the lessons have help to gather my true self closer not becoming what others believe I should be.

Carrying love deeply within my soul helps the creative process, to gather the power and intuitive self I know is there and pushed to the recesses of my mind.

The drive forward into a daily existence so my energy seems to gather more power and greater strides into the  future.

To open your heart you must become more compassionate and understanding of others and their experiences in this world. To see beyond the emotional distractions and see the beauty in their eyes , to behold that they are part of that greater link in the chain.

Working for VSA Very Special Arts, working with people with disabilities, DJJ facilities, and so much more I have discovered how deep I must search to navigate the plethora of emotions and thoughts these experiences have enlivened in me. I find that at times I may be creatively stuck in my process but I find abundant ideas for others to try.

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